Broad-spectrum antibiotics

 Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action is a universal antibacterial medicine. Whichever pathogen is the source of the disease, antibacterial agents of a wide spectrum will have a bactericidal effect and will overcome the microbe.

           Generally, broad-spectrum drugs are used when:

- treatment is appointed empirically, that is, based on clinical symptoms. With the empirical selection of an antibiotic, time and money are not wasted to identify the pathogen. The microbe that caused the disease will remain forever unknown. This approach is appropriate in case of common infections, as well as in fast-flowing dangerous diseases. For example, with meningitis, a lethal outcome can be predetermined literally within a few hours, unless antibiotic therapy is started immediately after the first signs of the disease;
- the causative agents of the disease are resistant to the action of narrow-spectrum antibiotics;

- Superinfection is diagnosed, in which several types of bacteria are the culprits of the disease;
- the infection is prevented after surgical interventions.

The list of broad-spectrum antibiotics is not very large. And a detailed description of the drugs we will start with the most probably popular group in online pharmacy - penicillin antibiotics.

Every patient - real or potential - must know and remember that the right to prescribe antibiotics belongs exclusively to the doctor.
Assess the risk and benefit of using a broad-spectrum antibiotic, pick a drug that can cover the spectrum of exactly "your" microorganisms and prevent possible side effects will only be a good doctor. Trust the knowledge and experience of a class specialist, and this will help to maintain health for many years.

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